Tips if you want to extend into a second year

Au Pair in America

Reminders for au pairs who are extending for a 2nd year (6,9 or 12months).


Your medical policy expires for the first year and you start your new policy during the year you extend so that means:

For example:

-Your first year began february 2011 and your insurance policy is the 2011 policy.

-You extend in February 2012 so you are now on the 2012 policy. (be aware of the changes in the policy)

Your insurance card expires after one year so you should receive a printable card when you start your extension year. If you do not receive it call the agency for a new card.

If you purchased the upgrade insurance in your first year, you have to purchase it again in the second year.

If you purchased the sports insurance in your first year, it lasts only 12 months from the time you bought it. So depending on when you bought it, you will probably need to purchase it again.


If you extend for 9 or 12 months you have to get 6 credits again or 72 hours of education to complete the program requirements.

If you extend for 6 months you only need 3 credits or 36 hours of education.


Check on the expiration of your driver’s license, you must renew it before it expires (DO NOT LET YOUR LICENSE EXPIRE). Most likely you will need to renew it before you start your extension year. Check with your new host family for laws in your new destination state.


Vacation for a 6 month extension is 6 days.

Vacation for a 9 and 12 month is 2 weeks.


Check on the expiration date of your visa. If it expires before your second year starts then you should not travel outside of the USA, Canada, and Mexico out of a risk of not being able to return. With the exception that if you return home during your first year after your approval for extension, you can get your visa renewed for another year. You must ask the agency (contact Evelyn Blum) for the paperwork required for this renewal.

RETURN HOME (only for au pairs who arrived before 2012)

If you extend for less than 12 months, you will be responsible for the flight surcharges to return home. If you extend for 12 months you do not pay for surcharges.

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