Tag Archives: Orientation

What does my au pair do at orientation?

Au Pair in America provides a comprehensive Orientation for all our au pairs before they go out to their host families.  When each au pair arrives at the NY airport, she is welcomed and transported to the the Hilton Doubletree Hotel in Tarrytown, NY.  There she is met by an Au Pair in America Orientation staff member, given some valuable information, room assignment and a chance to check into her room for rest. Three full days follow started each day with early wake up calls.   The importance of being on time is emphasized so the meeting run smoothly and au pairs learn to understand the importance of time in America.

998798_10152025733573792_1279016968_n[1]Noelle from Germany was welcomed to America by their Community Counselor, Cindy Garruba.  She is going to a family in Pt. Jefferson, LI, NY and will be joining a cluster of about 30 au pairs.

At Orientation the agenda includes:

  • An Introduction the United States and Au Pair in America
  • “The Three No’s” – No drugs, no alcohol under 18 and never while driving or caring for children, no child abuse (Au Pairs are sent home if they abuse drugs, alcohol or children!!)
  • The Role of the Community Counselor
  • Living in America – Cultural adaptation and communication with their American families
  • Childcare safety and media
  • American Red Cross Child Safety Workshop
  • The American Family
  • Child Care in America – managing American Children – Communication and discipline
  • Living in America – auto insurance and health insurance
    Au Pairs during Red Cross training at Orientaion

    Au Pairs during Red Cross training at Orientaion

They also have 3 meals a day, time to socialize with the other au pairs and the Orientation Staff.  There is even an evening tour of NYC!  Au Pairs submit questions anonymously all week and every question is answered by the staff to the group before they go home.

Au Pairs leave Orientation on Day 4 at 3 PM and head out to 35 states and hundreds of host families.  Everyone is excited to depart and begin a year as an Au Pair in America!

New Orientation location starting January 28th


As of January 28, 2013, Au Pair in America’s orientation site will be changing. Our Orientation hotel will be:

DoubleTree by Hilton
455 South Broadway
Tarrytown, NY 10591

The phone number is 914-631-5700.

Please read the below for answers to questions you may have regarding the change of orientation site, pick-up locations, trains and flights.

Can my family still send gifts to welcome our au pair?
Yes, however, we do recommend families follow the guidelines regarding gifts received after matching. While we expect the hotel to be efficient in delivery of gifts received and do not expect any issues, it is best for families  sending flowers, etc… to check with the hotel once they think the delivery has taken place.  The address of the hotel is:
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Tarrytown, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, New York, 10591, USA

Will there still be a NYC tour?
Yes, however, the tour will take place on Tuesday night, instead of Wednesday night.  Families may purchase the tour as a gift in advance or au pairs may purchase.  Please note,the deadline for families purchasing the tour is the Friday before the arrival.  Due to the tickets for Top of the Rock and deadline for ordering dinners, we cannot extend this deadline.

Will there be a change in orientation schedule?
The orientation will still be a 4 day period, typically starting on a Monday and ending on Thursday.

What if an au pair gets sick?  Where is the nearest medical facility?
There are several urgent care facilities in the area that take the au pairs’ insurance, in addition to White Plains hospital about 15 minutes away should there be the need for greater care.

Is there Internet service?
Yes, we have negotiated for free wireless internet service, available in public and private rooms. Many au pairs use Skype to communicate back home and to their host families.

Will there still be the AAA Driving Course option?
Yes, the AAA course option will still be available. Au pairs arrive a day early and participate in a unique hands- on experience, designed specifically for them by AAA of Southern New England.  Families receive information regarding this course in their placement packet and via email. If you have not or have questions, please contact Laura Blersch at orientation@aifs.com.

What Amtrak station will au pairs be traveling from?
We will continue to utilize the Stamford train station for au pairs traveling Northbound (To Boston) and Southbound (to all points to Washington DC) from orientation to their host families.  Au pairs will be bused from the orientation site to the Stamford train station. Trains must depart after 4 pm.

Where do I pick up my au pair if I am a local family?
For your convenience, we are offering two locations for pick-up.
• The first is at the hotel in Tarrytown.  Pick up is between 3pm and 5pm in the lobby.

• We will also offer a location in Stamford, Connecticut.  This location is at the Au Pair in America office located at:

9 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT 06902.

Pick up time is between 3:45-4:45pm. If you are not able to pick up your au pair within timeframe, please plan on picking her up at the hotel location. Please park in the visitor’s parking spaces and come to the first floor “Community Room” where you will meet your au pair.

Families who live locally will receive an email form from our orientation coordinator prior to the week of arrival asking them to choose their preferred pick-up location.

How will the location affect those taking flights?
This move will not affect those flying in anyway. The average time to each of the major airports is approximately the same as it is now. Our guidelines for flights after 6 pm will remain in place.

If you have additional questions regarding the new orientation site, please contact Laura Blersch at orientation@aifs.com.