Thanksgiving in the United States is a time to reflect on the things we are most grateful for in life. At a recent Au Pair in America cluster meeting in New Jersey, Community Counselors Anne and Lois asked our au pairs to share the things that they are thankful for this year. Here are some of their heartwarming responses:
- My host family for having me and loving me as part of the family
- My new niece
- A Thanksgiving birthday
- I fit in pretty well here
- Food and new friends
- Good people in my life
- Best kids ever
- My lovely host family
- My workout at the gym
- Staying in touch with my family and friends in Germany
- All the friends I made in the USA
- All the new experiences
- The sweet gift my host mom gave me from her trip
- For life and everything
- My boyfriend, my parents and sisters and opportunity to be here
- Spending a year in the USA-it’s a dream come true
- Having family and friends back home who encouraged me on this adventure
- Happy that I have food and can live my life
- Grateful for [my host] family for choosing me and giving me the opportunity to experience America
- Little precious moments
- Wonderful life in the USA
We are thankful for everyone in the Au Pair in America community for helping us bring the world together through cultural exchange. Thank you to our host families, au pairs, and Community Counselors for their dedication. On behalf of everyone at Au Pair in America, have a happy Thanksgiving!