By hosting an au pair, you’ll have peace of mind when your child is home sick and needs a day to rest. As every parent knows, children and germs go hand in hand. Who hasn’t witnessed their toddler sneeze directly into someone’s face (probably yours), or seen a kid at the playground eat a random potato chip off a park bench? With hygiene habits that are questionable at best, it’s inevitable that your little ones will succumb to the occasional bug now and again.
When children are sick, parents often have to scramble to make child care arrangements, in many cases using a sick day of their own or vacation time to stay home and care for their cranky little ones. Children’s sick days can throw off a family’s schedule and add stress to an already hectic routine.
Hosting an au pair provides a fantastic solution for parents when children are sick! With flexible, dependable in-home child care provided by a doting, caring au pair, children will receive the attention they need in the comfort of their own home. This frees parents to meet their work commitments instead of taking unplanned days off to care for their sick child. While hosting an au pair with Au Pair in America, you create a customized child care schedule of up to 10 hours per day and 45 hours per week, giving you more flexibility than many other forms of child care provide.
Having a sick child is stressful enough! By hosting an au pair, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your child is in capable, loving hands while you attend to your professional responsibilities, letting you focus completely on your family when you return.
Take the stress out of your child’s sick days when you host an au pair! Learn more about Au Pair in America today.