On a recent spring afternoon, Au Pair in America’s Honolulu, Hawaii Community Counselor, Barbara Bancel, hosted her annual gathering for local host families. Each year, this event provides an opportunity for Au Pair in America host families to meet, share tips for successful matches, and talk about the benefits of cultural exchange.
This year’s Host Family Day featured a special guest speaker, Rose Tun-Jung Kuo, a PhD candidate in Global International Education. Rose presented a talk focused on today’s generation of au pairs, specifically discussing their expectations, needs, and motivations for participating in the Au Pair in America program. The group then discussed host family expectations and guidelines for success.
Barbara wrapped up the presentation by sharing tips for interviewing, matching and welcoming au pairs post-arrival, with a focus on how to ensure a successful, long-term match. Having welcomed the first au pairs to Hawaii in the late 1980s, Barbara provides a wealth of knowledge and resources for her host families. Host families old and new enjoyed refreshments and a chance to share questions and advice.
Host Family Days, like this recent Honolulu, Hawaii event, are one way Au Pair in America supports our program participants.
Every Au Pair in America counselor across the United States plans and hosts an annual Host Family Day for their cluster. These events fulfill an important Department of State requirement and provide host families with the valuable opportunity to share experiences and advice about the program and international exchange.
1 comment
It’s nice to meet you and I am for this