Author Archives: Patty Antreasian

Baltimore Cluster Volunteers at Our Daily Bread

United Way at Our Daily Bread volunteering2 United Way Volunteer 1A In the spirit of Thanksgiving several au pairs and host families joined their Community Counselor, Patty Antreasian, for an afternoon volunteering at Our Daily Bread in Baltimore. The event was sponsored by the United Way, and we prepared hundreds of casseroles,  desserts and snack bags to be distributed to families in need. Our group not only had a lot of fun but also felt that it was a very rewarding experience. We will definitely do this again next year!

Healthy Eating!

Continuing the Educational theme, after the Red Cross Class in September, members of the Baltimore cluster visited Whole Foods in Mt. Washington for a tour of the store given by the Healthy Eating Specialist, Heidi Barboy. She gave us a tour around the store, and most importantly “free samples” of some delicious foods. I was reminded of what a great community resource Whole Foods is. They have a calendar of events that often has activities for children.

Here is a link for Nutrition Tips for Kids & Teens, on their site:

Red Cross Pediatric CPR and First Aid Class

On Saturday September 15, the Baltimore Cluster devoted 6 hours of their weekend to learning about pediatric CPR and First Aid methods.  Twenty three au pairs arrived at the Red Cross Headquarters on Mt. Hope Drive in Baltimore at 9AM and completed the class at 3PM.  It was a beautiful day outside, but the au pairs reported that the class was interesting and fun.  They all passed the test and are now certified for two years.

APIA will pay for this class for any au pairs with at least six months left on their visa.  It must be taken through the Red  Cross.  The Red Cross will hold a private class for as few as six students. If interested in learning more contact your community counselor.

Transitioning to a new au pair

Full version is at>

Here are some things to think about which might help everyone in your household prepare for your au pair’s departure:

~Young children perceive time differently than adults. Therefore, your preparation for the departure should not begin too far in advance.

~Discuss the possibility of staying in touch with letters, e-mail, or even pictures if your child does not write. Be sure you have the au pair’s address, and make plans to write.

~Create a small photo album for your children to look at. After your au pair leaves this can hold important memories for them.

~Make sure there is an opportunity to say good-bye. Make it clear when it will be the last time your children will be seeing the au pair.

~If you are having another au pair arrive, discuss the arrival plans with your child.

August 15 Celebrate the Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

In 1870 the last spike was nailed to complete the coast-to-coast railroad.  This train track helped to open up the western area of the US to development.  Trains still hold a fascination – whether it is Thomas the Tank, Brio or electric trains, children love to build tracks.

Baltimore has a wonderful Train Museum. Check it out on and look for the Calendar of Events under Kids’ Zone.

Education – Auditing

When it comes to the Education requirement, au pairs can be confused by the phrase “not less than six semester hours of academic credit OR its equivalent.” What that means is that au pairs do not NEED to take credit classes. In fact, some colleges or universities will not allow J-1 visa holders to register for credit classes, as they “save” these for degree seeking students.

BUT au pairs can easily take non-credit or Continuing Studies classes. And some colleges and universities may allow them to “Audit” a credit class. This means that the au pair can sit in the class and do the assignments and take the tests but she will not get a grade for any work done, only a  “pass or fail”. The cost may or may not be less to audit a class. Each individual school will have its own policy. Au Pairs should consult with their Community Counselor to see which schools offer this option.

Spring Celebrations are here

Celebrating Easter




Easter is one of the most awaited Christian festivals. It is celebrated throughout the world by the followers of Christian community. It is considered to be very auspicious as it is believed that this was the day when Christ resurrected after crucifixion. This day is of immense religious as well as social significance amongst the Christian community.


Church services and festive celebrations blend together during the Easter weekend. On Easter Sunday in New York and other cities, large Easter parades are held.  Easter in USA is also very much commercialized. Easter symbols like bunnies, Easter tree, Easter Eggs and Easter lamb are found in different forms during the Easter festivities throughout the market. The popular trend of Easter symbols such as the Easter bunny and egg tree were introduced to the American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s. Gradually American people took to crafts such as egg and Easter tree decoration. Easter in US is also a time to enjoy special Easter foods such as baked ham, potatoes and vegetables. Several special recipes are made at each home. Easter parties are also organized where traditional Easter delicacies are served and people enjoy wonderful get together along with Easter games and music.


For children’s Easter games and activities go to:


Observing Passover



Passover is an eight day celebration observed each year by the Jewish religion. It commemorates the freedom of Jewish slaves from Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II.   Families celebrate Passover by having a seder. With special foods, songs, and customs, the Seder is the focal point of the Passover celebration. Seder means order, and the Passover story is read in order from a book called a haggadah.

Fearing that Jews were becoming too strong, a Pharaoh decreed that all male Jewish babies were to be killed. Jocheved and Amran, a Jewish couple, wanted to save their infant son – so they put him in a basket that floated him down the river. The infant was rescued by the Pharaoh’s daughter and she raised him as her own son. She named the baby Moses, which means “take from the water.”

When Moses grew up, he empathized with the Jewish slaves and tried to get the Pharaoh to free them. The Pharaoh refused – so there were 10 plagues sent down to Egypt: Blood, Frogs, Lice, Beasts, Cattle Disease, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, and Slaying of the Firstborn. The name Passover comes from the Plague of Slaying the Firstborn. The Angel of Death passed over the homes of the Jews who had put lambs blood on their doors.

After the 10th plague, Pharaoh agreed to let the Jewish slaves go. They gathered up their belongings quickly, and didn’t have time for their bread to rise, so they had to bake it and take it the way it was. This is why the Jewish people eat matzah during Passover.   As the Jews were fleeing, Pharaoh changed his mind, and sent his army after the people to bring them back. Moses parted the Red Sea for the Jews to cross, and as soon as they were safely to the other side, the waters closed on the soldiers, drowning them all. The Jewish people were free.

For children’s activities go to:

Travelling outside the U.S.?

If you are planning to travel outside the U.S. during your first year,your DS-2019 will need a travel signature. You will also need to check if you need a visa to enter the country you intend to visit. Obtaining a tourist visa is solely the responsibility of the au pair.

~ Three weeks before you plan to travel, mail your original DS-2019 Form and a self-addressed stamped envelope (so your signed DS-2019 may be returned to you)to:

Au Pair in America

River Plaza

9 West Broad Street

Stamford, CT 06902

Attn: Evelyn Blum

Have a great trip!×221.jpg