Education Options

Au pairs should complete 6 credits, 7.2 CEUs, or 72 hours.

Educare Companions should complete 12 credits, 14.4 CEUs or 144 hours.

Online classes: All classes must be in-person or hybrid (a combination of in-person and online) to count for the education requirement. The APIA Advantage UCLA Course is the only State Dept. approved class online class. No other online classes will be accepted unless you meet special circumstances qualifying you for an exception and you speak with your community counselor to get approval before registering.

If after searching the options listed below, you are still having a difficult time finding classes, contact your community counselor.

An Explanation of the Au Pair Education Requirement

Credit Classes at all the local colleges require a placement test before you can enroll. The score of this test lets you know which courses you may take based on your level of English.

Non-Credit Classes are called that because they do not count toward a degree in the U.S. However, any classes through an accredited U.S. college or university count for your education requirement. This includes non-credit classes. Non-credit classes are usually more affordable than credit classes.

ESL = English as a Second Language Classes

Local Community Colleges

*ESL (English as a second language) options that are popular with au pairs in our cluster.

Language Schools

ESL = English as a Second Language Classes

Weekend Classes & Alternatives to Local Community College