Tag Archives: credits

APIA Advantage Course through UCLA

The next UCLA APIA Advantage Course will run from January 10 – May 16. Registration is already open at www.uclaextension.edu/aupairs
The cost of the class is $500 and it satisfies the education requirement for au pairs or half the requirement for EduCare companions.

American Studies Online is a 19-week media-rich, mostly self-paced online course of study. Designed specifically in cooperation with the American Institute For Foreign Study’s Au Pair in America program, UCLA Extension’s course offers successful participants 6 quarter units (4 semester units) and a certificate of completion from UCLA Extension.


Participants will read lessons, engage in activities, write, share resources, network with one another, and even collaborate on special projects – all designed to further their understanding of US culture.

The Community Involvement segment of the program takes the au pairs into face-to-face contact with the community. Au pairs will relate these experiences to their academic coursework in American Studies Online.

The interdisciplinary course of study will include:
• US History
• Arts in the US
• US literature
• Career counseling
• English language study (optional)
• TOEFL preparation (optional)

Each group is assigned a “Course Manager” who acts as an “online concierge” to provide high levels of service to ensure a rewarding and trouble-free educational experience.

For further information call (310) 206-6671 or email online@uclaextension.edu