Tag Archives: resolution


imagesJanuary 1~New Year’s Day –

The first day of the New Year is a federal holiday. For
many people, January first also means making a New Year’s resolution. The most
common being to lose weight/get in shape, stop smoking and get organized. Think about yours and how  you plan to achieve it!
In some communities families visit each other for New Year’s Day brunch and lots
of watching football bowl games. There are five “bowl” games today, including
the Outback Bowl in Tampa Florida, The Rose Bowl in Pasadena California and
the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, Louisiana.

To learn about football visit http://aupairinamerica.com/resources/life_in_the_us/football.asp

Learn to say Happy New year in these languages heard in our clusters

* Chinese (Cantonese) – Sun nien fai lok
* Chinese (Mandarin) – Xin nian yu kuai
* Danish – Godt Nytår
* Dutch – Gelukkig nieuwjaar
* French – Bonne année
* Gaelic – Aith-bhliain Fe Nhaise Dhuit
* German – Gutes Neues Jahr
* Hebrew – Shanah tovah
* Italian – Buon Capo d’Anno
* Norwegian – Godt Nyttår
* Polish – Szczesliwego Nowego roku
* Portuguese – Feliz ano novo
* Romanian – La Multi Ani
* Russian – S Novym Godom
* Spanish – Feliz Año Nuevo
* Swedish – Gott Nytt År
* Turkish – Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
* Welsh – Blwyddyn Newydd Dda