Family in Ohio finds much-needed support with Au Pair of the Year Rozelle Botes
Before hosting an au pair, Elaine Eisner and Scott Gohn weren’t sure where to turn. As owners of their own business and parents of a 10-year-old daughter with significant special needs, finding reliable child care was a necessity for their family.
In March 2018 they had their first conversation with Rozelle Botes, an Au Pair in America au pair from South Africa. Almost instantly they knew Rozelle would be a perfect match for their family – and a huge help for their daughter, Alana.
These positive impressions have since rung true.
Since her arrival, Rozelle has provided the Eisner/Gohn family with extraordinary support. So extraordinary, in fact, that the International Au Pair Association (IAPA) named Rozelle the 2019 Au Pair of the Year. At the award ceremony in Luxembourg – about a year after their first conversation – Elaine introduced Rozelle’s acceptance speech, saying, “We’re so grateful to have found a young woman who brought out the best in [our] amazing child.” And while Rozelle has brought out the best in Alana, Alana has also brought out the best in Rozelle.
“Being Alana’s au pair is not work for me but definitely a passion,” Rozelle said. “Despite her differences and inability to speak, Alana is such a blessing in my life and has taught me more than I can teach her. There is truly no better feeling than seeing Alana overcome and advance her everyday challenges.”
Rozelle’s passion for assisting Alana is nothing new; it stems from a deep-rooted enthusiasm for helping others.
In her free time in Ohio, she’s found an array of ways to get involved in the community – by participating in a youth group, reading to children at a shelter, and taking courses on special needs psychology at a local college. She even attends Alana’s school in order to help provide consistency at home.
As Rozelle continues to go above and beyond, the Eisner/Gohn family has explained how hosting an au pair has been much more than child care assistance; it’s been a totally life-changing experience. When it comes to Rozelle’s Au Pair of the Year win, the family is incredibly proud – but not at all surprised – of her achievement.
“We cannot imagine any au pair more worthy of the honor of Au Pair of the Year,” Elaine said. “Rozelle loves Alana like a sister, works with her like a therapist and protects her like a mother.”
The experience has been just as rewarding and monumental for Rozelle.
“One thing I have embraced from my experience as an au pair is that giving your absolute best can affect someone else’s life for the better,” Rozelle said. “How can I ask for a better experience than joining the au pair program?”
After her huge win, we are confident that Rozelle will soar to new heights this year as she continues to brighten her host family’s lives – and as they transform her life in return.
Hosting an au pair is much more than child care assistance; it’s a life-changing experience. Is your family seeking exceptional child care from an au pair like Rozelle? Learn more about hosting with Au Pair in America!