As a Host Family, you should handle your Au Pair’s illnesses, accidents, or medical emergencies in the same way you would for other family members.
If your Au Pair has a legal or serious medical problem, notify your Community Counselor. If your Community Counselor is not available and you cannot wait for her return, call the 24-hour emergency service at 1-800-928-7247.
APIA’s Resources for Current Host Families includes:
- My Au Pair’s Education Requirements
- My Au Pair’s Health Insurance Coverage
- My Au Pair’s Driver License
- My Au Pair wants to travel outside of the US
- How does my Au Pair request her flight home?
- Handling Expenses
Searching for Your Au Pair
- Application process
- US Arrival Dates (Au Pairs will arrive for Orientation in NY on these dates)
- Au Pair Visa information
- Culture Quest by Country
Preparing for Your Au Pair
- Host Family Guidelines Handbook (pdf file)
- Tips for Host Families
- ABCs of a Successful Year
- Welcoming Your Au Pair
- Travel from Orientation
- Orienting in Your Home
- Preparing for an Emergency
- Safety Tips