Tag Archives: cluster meeting

Volunteering at Capital Area Food Bank


Last weekend, we volunteered at the Capital Area Food Bank in DC. We were tasked with filling boxes that will be distributed to families in need. Our group made up more than half of the afternoon volunteer shift that filled 900 boxes!

The boxes go around on a conveyor belt and each pair of volunteers adds it’s designated food can or package. The boxes sped up as the group gets better at filling them. We never quite got to I Love Lucy speed, but there were a few intense moments. It was a great experience and several of the au pairs said that they would be interested in going back and volunteering on their own. If you are interested in helping the Capital Area Food Bank, check out their Volunteer Information Page.

Amazing Cluster Meeting at US Capitol

More than 700 Au Pair in America au pairs from 30 DC/Maryland/Virginia area clusters came together on Saturday, March 9 to tour the US Capitol. We were joined by Au Pair in America director, Ruth Ferry. We had a wonderful time and an amazing photo.

Au Pair in America au pairs from the DC/MD/VA area, their Community Counselors and APIA director, Ruth Ferry

Touring the US Capitol is a highlight of any visit to Washington, DC. The Visitor Center offers free online tickets and a limited number of same-day tickets. The tour starts off with a brief and engaging video with some history on the Capitol Building and the US in general. The tour guides are knowledgeable and will take you to some of the building’s most iconic locations.

Touring the US Capitol is a highlight for our cluster every year.

Autumn Cluster Meetings


14440870_10210405440038208_2265447476451686682_n-1In September, our cluster joined hundreds of other APIA au pairs from all over DC, Maryland, and Virginia for a region-wide scavenger hunt. Au pairs were divided into teams and raced around the city to find the answers to as many questions as they could in the allotted time.


img_0366In October, we had a private tour of the Smithsonian building everyone in DC calls the Castle.

In November, we had a relaxing meeting with some calm “adult” coloring, talked about stress management, and then indulged in some sweet treats to celebrate all of our birthdays from the entire year.

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Summer Cluster Meetings

This summer, our cluster gathered for three fun and informative meetings.

Photo credit: Catherine McEaddy Holmes

Photo credit: Catherine McEaddy Holmes

In June, we went to the Adams Morgan Movie Night. Before settling down to watch “School of Rock,” we reviewed important water safety tips to remember while we interact with your host kids at the pool, beach, and even in the sprinkler.


What will you remember from your year in America?

What will you remember from your year in America?



In July, we met for a fun evening learning easy ways to document the many American memories and experience in a notebook, scrapbook, photo album, or journal.





Making new friends at the International Potluck Dinner

Making new friends at the International Potluck Dinner

In August, we joined the Georgetown/Woodley Park Cluster for an International Potluck Dinner. Our au pairs made delicious food from all over the world including Chinese and Polish dumplings, South African milk tarts, Brazilian brigadeiro, Jamaican ackee and salt fish and festivals, Spanish huevos rellenos, Brazilian pão de queijo, and Colombian rice pudding.



We discussed ideas for serving host children healthy afterschool snacks and learned more about Georgetown University’s English Language Program from guest speaker Regan Carver.


Outdoor Movies in DC

Image: Ted Eytan (Flickr)

Image: Ted Eytan (Flickr)

Summer has finally arrived with warmer weather! For June’s cluster meeting, we gathered for Adams Morgan Movie Night to watch the hilarious “School of Rock” on an outdoor screen as we munched on popcorn and other treats. Continue reading

2016 DC Cultural Fair

What fun we had at the 2016 DC Cultural Fair on May 1st! So many smiles, so much laughter, and so many wonderful memories. A big thank you to all of au pairs who participated and all of the host families who came out to Nats Park. We couldn’t have done it without you! Read all about the fantastic day on Au Pair in America’s blog, Kid Notes.

2016 Cultural Fair 3

2016 Cultural Fair 42016 Cultural Fair 1

December Holiday Cluster Meeting

Our December 2015 Cluster Meeting was full of fun and laughter.

Our December 2015 Cluster Meeting was full of fun.

From reviewing important seasonal safety tips to sharing holiday traditions from many different countries, our December cluster meeting was full of learning and fun. Each Au Pair brought a treat that reminded her of the holidays and a wrapped present for a gift exchange. Continue reading