Does it seem like the days are getting longer, but the hours are getting shorter?
Too much to do and never enough time to do it all? Continue reading
Does it seem like the days are getting longer, but the hours are getting shorter?
Too much to do and never enough time to do it all? Continue reading
Each month, Au Pair in America provides a calendar full of helpful information and fun activities for everyone in the family.
What fun we had at the 2016 DC Cultural Fair on May 1st! So many smiles, so much laughter, and so many wonderful memories. A big thank you to all of au pairs who participated and all of the host families who came out to Nats Park. We couldn’t have done it without you! Read all about the fantastic day on Au Pair in America’s blog, Kid Notes.
With summer fast approaching, now is a great time to review program rules around holidays and vacations. Continue reading
Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday, May 8th. Au Pair in America’s Mother’s Day pinboard has loads of gift ideas your host children can make for their mothers.