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Links & Resources for Au Pair Taxes

Au Pair in America staff, including its community counselors, are not qualified to provide any official tax information. We recommend that you use H & R Block Expat Tax Services or another professional if you have any specific questions regarding U.S. taxes or need help to file your taxes. Below are some resources and general information.

Where to Get Started

  • Au Pair in America has a Tax Information for Au Pairs page that explains the basics of how taxes work in the U.S.
  • You can view an Instructional Tax Video in your au pair portal. Once you are logged into your au pair portal → go to “Resources” tab → “In the US” → click “Instructional Tax Video for Guidance”
  • April 18, 2022, is the deadline to submit your 2021 tax forms and payment. Doing so after that deadline can lead to extra fees and interest charges.
  • From the H&R Block Expat Tax Service: “U.S. law requires au pairs who earn more than the filing threshold in stipends during a calendar year to file a U.S. federal tax return. Under the new tax law, the filing threshold is currently $5. Depending on the state in which you earned the income, you may also be subject to state tax filing. If you don’t file, you risk incurring costly interest and penalties, and it may complicate obtaining a U.S. visa in the future.”

If You Want to Get Your Taxes Professionally Done

Au Pair in America has partnered with H & R Block Expat Tax Services which has set up an easy, affordable, and virtual option for au pairs to assist with tax filing. The promotional fee is $50 through February 28th, which includes Federal and State (if applicable) filing. Starting on March 1st the fee increases to $99.

If You Plan to Do Your Own Taxes

  • Even if you are planning to prepare your own taxes, I recommend you check out the information on the H&R Block Expat Tax Service page. Scroll down the page and see the answers to lots of common questions au pairs have about taxes.
  • If you are planning to prepare your taxes on your own (or with help from your host parents) you can get links to the tax forms HERE.
  • If you plan to file your taxes by mail, here are some things you will need to know:
  • Some other important details:
    • Include your full name and Social Security Number on your tax forms and your payment (check or money order).
    • Make copies of all of the papers you mail to the IRS (your forms and payment) and keep those for your records. (This is very important in case you receive letters from the IRS about your taxes in the future.)

Image: 401(K) 2012

Holidays and Vacation Reminders

Holidays and vacations are a great opportunity to rest, recharge, and explore the US.

With the summer travel season fast approaching, here are some reminders about program rules regarding holidays and vacations.


  • Host families are not required to give au pairs any specific holidays.
  • Each host family will make different arrangements on holidays; some au pairs will be off and others will be required to work.
  • As holidays approach, it is helpful for host parents to let their au pairs know if they will be off or not, so plans can be made.
  • Au pairs should not make plans for holidays without checking with their host families first.


  • Au pairs earn 2 weeks of paid vacation during the course of their year.
  • Vacation time should be mutually agreed upon.
  • All vacations should be pre-planned (at least 4 weeks in advance.)
  • All au pair’s friends and/or family visits should be pre-approved prior to purchasing tickets.
  • If an au pair travels with her host family, discuss in advance the expectations of the trip:
    • If an au pair travels with her host family for work, the host family is required to pay for the au pair’s transportation, lodging, and meals.
    • If an au pair travels with her host family for vacation only and is not required to work, discuss the expectations for her participation in family activities in detail BEFORE the start of the trip.
  • For more information about scheduling vacation time, see APIA’s Tips for Current Host Families: Vacations.

Travel Outside the U.S.

  • During their first year, au pairs are allowed to travel outside of the U.S. and return. However, there are some important steps to take:
    • Au pairs must have their DS2019 signed (travel validation) PRIOR to their departure from the US.
    • It is essential that au pairs make their travel plans to return to the U.S. prior to the expiration date listed on their visa. This date can sometimes be earlier than their actual year end date.
    • More information and the travel validation request form may be found on the Au Pair in America website.
  • There are limitations on travel outside of the U.S. for second year (extension) au pairs. Please speak with Catherine prior to making travel plans.
  • More information can be found by selecting the Au Pair Resources tab on the top of this page and looking under “Au Pair Travel Outside the US.”